Traffic Swarm News

Hey Reader

As the economy hits rock bottom, we're all looking for great deals -- and we've got a deal you're just going to love.

As thousands of TrafficSwarm members already know, the TrafficSwarm Pro membership is already a great value, since they receive:

* 2,500 Credits Each Month
* Commissions for Referring Other Pro Members
* Unlimited URLs
* Priority URL Approval
* Bonus Credits When Any of Their Downline Surf for Credits
* Free Web Hosting

...and SO much more for just $30 per month.

But as our way of saying "how can you pass this up now?," we'll throw in an EXTRA 5,000 credits your first month when you upgrade to Pro! That's a $75 value!

And that's on top of the 2,500 credits you'll receive each month as a Pro! That's 7,500 credits right off the bat for only $30!

But don't wait too long as the 5,000 credits bonus offer ends Sunday, May 17th.

Click here

to learn more or to upgrade to Pro!

Warmest Regards,
The TrafficSwarm Team

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